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Casting and Splinting



Waterproof, Breathable, Lightweight



A broken bone is an unfortunate event. However given time and the right care, the bone is able to heal itself. A plaster cast is applied to hold the fracture in the correct position while the bone heals. On average, a plaster cast stays on for about 6 weeks.


If you've been unlucky enough to sustain a fracture and require a cast, Jason is experienced in the application and removal of casts. If your treating doctor has requested a waterproof cast please call the practice to discuss and book an appointment.



Please bring your GP referral and X-rays along to your appointment.








Taping is important technique used for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of a wide variety of injuries and conditions. Some of the goals when using this technique are to restrict the movement of injured joints, soft tissue compression to reduce swelling, supporting anatomical structures, including unstable joints, and as well as for injury and re-injury prevention and rehabilitation.



Aims and Effects of Taping:


  • prevent injury;

  • stabilise or support an injury;

  • reduce injury recurrence;

  • relieving or reducing pain by deloading painful or vulnerable structures;

  • facilitate normal movement, muscle action, or postural patterns;

  • restrict the movement of injured joints;

  • offloading specific anatomical structures where a weakness has been identified;

  • improve joint stability;

  • soft tissue compression to reduce swelling;

  • improve proprioception;

  • correct faulty biomechanics.



Different types of tape that we use:


  • Rigid tape;

  • Elastic strapping tape;

  • Kinesiotape (kinesiology tape).



Rigid Tape


Rigid tape is commonly used in taping or strapping and is often referred to as "sports tape". Taping with rigid (flesh coloured) tape is used to stabilise joints and prevent excessive movement, for example supporting the ankle after an inversion sprain (rolled ankle).  The main advantage of this kind of taping is that there is no stretch in rigid tape making it perfect where firm or extreme support is required.



Elastic strapping tape


Elastic strapping tape is used when less rigidity or support is required.





Kinesiotape is very different to rigid tape, it is a stretchy and pliable elastic sports tape that acts to dynamically assist muscle function. As the tape is stretched and applied to the skin, it bunches the top layer of skin and lifts it away from the muscle. This creates a small gap between skin and muscle, facilitating improved smooth muscle movement, increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage, and reducing pain experienced.


The benefits of kinesiotape include support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion, protecting muscles from over-extension and over-contraction, reduced pain, improved control over muscle contractions, adjustment misalignment that result from tightened muscles, proprioceptive facilitation, reduced muscle fatigue and delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and enhanced healing by improving blood and lymphatic circulation and reducing inflammation and excessive toxins building up in the tissue.


We'll be in touch soon.

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